Oschon's Travelers
Oschon (pron. Oh-shun, similar to "ocean") is one of the Twelve, and the patron deity of miners, wanderers, and vagrants. He is known as the Wanderer, and also as the god of the mountains.Mateus, Goblet, Ward 21, Plot 27
Saturday: Tavern Night - FC House
Sunday: 2pm Fishing / 5pm Oschon's Finders & Hunters - RP/D20 adventures
Monday: Rotating FC House Basement or Ruq's Retreat in Room 4
Crew Cohesion Exercises - rank up process after joining
All events start at 5pm PST/8pm PST
What We Do
Oschon's Travelers :
Relic Hunters
Tavern Keepers
ExplorersThe Travelers, own and operate a tavern in the Goblet, as well as members operating individual business ventures.RP revolves around building characters through slow growth and interaction with others.
The Team
Relic Hunters from the early days, the group is a mixture of all those that fit under Oschon's Auspice: "Oschon gazes down, and invites those to climb with Him who have earned this heaven: explorers, adventurers, mountain climbers, saints, and rescuers."
Contact Us
Check out our tavern and member sites or send us an email if you would like more information!
Event Pages/Crew Pages
- Oschon's Respite Tavern
- Merlblyss Terbinstymm
- Ruqruq Xy
- Abbie Rose
- Malik Zariasch
- Stone Moss
- Ayame Tachi
- Gerohan Duskwillow
Friends of the Respite
Email us: [email protected]